Shoulder Pain: The Solution and Prevention
Dr. John M. Kirsch, an orthopedic surgeon from Wisconsin, is the author of this popular self-help book. Written for the public as the result of several decades of research, it outlines a new and simple shoulder exercise program to treat and prevent impingement syndrome, rotator cuff tears, and what is referred to as “frozen shoulder”. Included are research CT scan images and testimonials, along with images of the exercises as performed by models as well as patients.
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Now in the revised and expanded fifth edition, Dr. Kirsch’s book has been helping people heal their own shoulders for ten years.
Click here to buy the fifth edition of the book.
“Part of the patient’s problem is that they are overwhelmed with the sophistication of an MRI or CT scan. When the surgeon points out what he thinks is the problem on the scan, the patient is dazzled. Surgeons too often operate based on the findings on the x-ray, MRI or CT scan and their exam. They give the patient every opportunity to avoid surgery using therapy and medications, but these failing, they do their best to help the patient with surgery. Most patients become committed to surgery because they have “seen the tear” in real life imaging. What have you got to lose? Surgery versus the simple exercises in the book. The exercises are free.
The forgotten joint
This image shows the new joint in the shoulder discovered by Dr. Kirsch during the research for the book. Dr. Kirsch named this the “acromiohumeral joint.” The joint is engaged and visible while hanging from an overhead support or bar. When engaged, the humerus (upper arm bone) leans on the acromion bending this structure, providing more room beneath the acromion. This leads to healing subacromial impingment syndrome, frozen shoulder and rotator cuff tear symptoms.